Passive Income, Create and Forget
So this type of passive income is without a doubt the most valuable, if you can get it to work. And not surprising the internet has again made it possible for us to exploit opportunities like these extensively and certainly with success being definitively possible.
In order to make this work though you have to do 3 things :
1. Create something of value and that someone else wants. And of course it should continue to exist with or without your input.
2. Create some basic connectivity to the internet community, especially valuable if you are able to do so with connections to search engines, and other forms of social media as available, or specific to your creation.
3. Be patient. It often takes a very long time for these to start showing any results whatsoever.
"Yep" I am hearing you say. "That sounds like a pipe dream".
The thing about this is that it actually can work, (it certainly has for me). You just have to find the right online service. Service of course being the crux of the matter since it is very hard to forget about a physical product that you have to get delivered.
To illustrate I would use an example from my own experience.
About 5-6 years ago now, I spent about 1 month, developing a fairly sophisticated dating website. It was created to provide some basic, but key, functionalities for it's purpose, and once these were operational, I uploaded it, and set it free. I set it to have no charges, and rely solely on pay per click advertising as a revenue stream.
Now noting that I continue to own my own domains, I set this up in a sub-domain, meaning that I could create other sites using the same domain, and would not be tempted to cancel the domain if the venture fails, since I need it for other things as well.
Within the functionalities provided I also added "invite a friend" capability which allows members to spread it further for me.
Then to gain connectivity I wrote a few articles on dating and submitted them to a few major article distribution websites. I also stuck the link into sitemaps of other websites that I have had some success with, specifically to gain access to search engine crawlers. Then I submitted the site to a few search engines directly.
A last thing I did was contact as many subject related sites as I could find, in a short time span, and requested link exchanges with them. Some accepted some rejected and more even ignored me. I did notably have some success with this.
And then, but for the every so often statistics check, I set it free. In fact over the time of it's existence, and after doing this initial work, I am pretty sure I spent less than an average of 20 - 30 minutes / month on the site (so not totally forget but pretty close).
And initially things were extremely slow. Member signups were limited, and I literally had a few friends laugh at me for my lack of success.
Laughter or not I persisted (by simply letting it stay up), and today I am getting 5-15 new members per day, with matching click revenue. The pace of new signups are also increasing significantly and noticeably, and I would not be surprised if in the next year or two that climbs to literally 100s per day.
In fact the growth trend is proving so significant that I am thinking of adding some extra functionalities to the site. Exploit the most valuable resource any web business could have. It's members (with confirmed email addresses of course).
So I have not yet recouped my investment of time, though since I have not spent a dime on it, and I have been earning a growing bit every month, and since I have no objection to this being part of my retirement plan, I figured why not just let it go, and go and go.... It's not like I have to work at it every day...
Anyway I wish you best with all your ventures, and invite you to share your experiences of services that will allow this type of "create and forget" on this forum.